Speculum IndyaAnima: Reflecting An Indian Animation Identity
Directors: Krishnabh Thengal
Kasang Alun / Kasang Alun
The film opens up in a Karbi household with an elderly lady, Kasang (protagonist of the film) singing the local folklore Sabin Alun (Karbi Ramayana) along with doing her daily chores. Her granddaughter hears her singing and asks her to narrate the story to her and her cousins in the house. Soon, Kasang starts narrating the local epic to her grandchildren. She enjoys narrating it as she gains a couple of little audiences. However all her listeners don't have similar attention spans and one leaves the company soon. Will the other kids be able to retain their interest to listen to their granny’s story till the end or Kasang’s song will remain incomplete?
Details of Crew
Will be updated
Producer Details
Will be updated